Fitness ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ

A Strength Coach’s Top 3 Upper-Body Exercises

Follow @slikkfitness on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for more by Alan Bishop Proven Lifts That Get Results Get strong, build muscle, stay healthy, and be ready to compete. Add these plateau-busting, upper-body exercises to your workout plan. Three Plateau-Busting Exercises One reason people plateau is that they fall in love with a few lifts …

A Strength Coach’s Top 3 Upper-Body Exercises Read More »

5 Lunge Exercises for Strong Legs and Glutes

Follow @slikkfitness on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for more by Dr. John Rusin Powerful Single-Leg Movements Take this popular exercise to the next level if you want big legs, great glutes, and healthy knees. Hereโ€™s what to do. Lunge Exercises: Non-Negotiable If you want to get stronger overall, increase leg size, and improve your …

5 Lunge Exercises for Strong Legs and Glutes Read More »

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