The Bad Meal Planning Strategy
I get it. You’ve been waiting all year for your mom’s famous Christmas Goose and cornbread stuffing. And while your family sits down to the dinner table to say grace all you can think about is how high you’re going to pile the good stuff on your plate.
It’s no mystery that holiday meals are total calorie bombs. What you may not be sure about is how to go about holding back from that seventh piece of pecan pie. There are a few strategies you can apply.
The Remedy: First, eat something healthy and filling an hour before the meal. You don’t want to stuff yourself, and arriving to the dinner table with no appetite will surely break your mom’s heart, but downing a small salad or a large apple in your pre-game meal will help you show a little restraint. Second, make sure you start by loading your plate with proteins like turkey or ham and vegetables. These are foods that will fill you up, are ab-friendly and are much less likely to be involved in helping after helping binges (plus they are delicious).
Once you’re done with those, then go in for normal-sized portions of the stuff you’ve been craving. Finally, if the meal is served buffet-style, make a pact with yourself to only load up your plate once and, again, make sure three-quarters of it are filled with proteins and vegetables. This way, when Spring Break comes around you’ll spend more time fighting hot girls off your body and less time trying to work that extra cup of gravy off your body.